Friday, December 21, 2012

Ocean Waves

As with many of my blog topics, this may not be the most original idea you have ever heard. But I am going to try to give it my spin, and I hope it resonates with you like it does for me.

I love the sound of ocean waves. I love the crash and fall, I love their comforting consistency, and I love the ripples that they make. I sat out on the beach the other day with my sister, and I recalled memories of waves and the way to predict them. Short answer is: I can't. I always try to predict how far up they will come. I place my toes solid in the sand and wait for the water to wash over me. The water then comes just a little too short. So then I move in a lot closer, and it gets all of my feet and ankles wet. Rarely do I time it just right, so the water brushes across my toes and makes me smile. 

Then there are my escapades boogie boarding. I often found myself knocked over at the knees by an unexpected crash. Or I would stand in shallow water, disappointed that I was not more soaked. I simply cannot seem to find the perfect timing for the waves. Maybe this means I need to spend more time in the ocean, for research and such. I would gladly make that sacrifice. Or maybe, as I hope you understand, the waves are simply unpredictable. Like the weather or the fashion choices of Lady Gaga, they are hard to precisely determine. The wandering beach-goer, like myself, simply has to take her chances with the water.

Now, I hope you know where I am going with this. Every day is like a wave. You think you have it figured out, and then suddenly, it crashes in an unexpected way. My man JGL best explained it in 500 Days of Summer :

You think you have your day figured out. You wake up with a plan, and then it suddenly goes an entirely different path. Expectations v. Reality. We have to learn to be alright even though life does not fit our expectations. Reality can sometimes bite. But that is o.k. No person can exactly predict the future. We are all just wandering beach-goers, trying to figure out the best place to stick ourselves in the water. 

So, here is  my challenge to you. Go ahead, and stick your toes in the sand. Be adventurous. Take risks. I'm warning you, you may get knocked over at the knees. You may be tossed around, and it may hurt. But it will be worth it in the end. There is always something better around the corner, just like Autumn for JGL or the perfect moments when the water brushes your toes just right. It will  And that is the musing of a marvelous me. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

This I Believe

In honor of my English 423 final I am taking today, I would like to share with everyone my anthology writing piece.

This I Believe
            “Is it hard to raise a kid?”
            “I wouldn’t know. My wife takes care of her.”
            “And your wife always has dinner for you when you get home?”
            “Wow. Being married sure must have its perks.”
            As that last sentence floated across the partition between my office and their study room, I swear a passerby would have seen steam coming out of my ears. I was incensed, and at the same, saddened, by the conversation I had just overheard between these two men. Part of me could not believe that neither of them understood the real meaning of marriage, especially given their obvious lack of respect for both the mother and the daughter. Another part of me, my feminist side, wanted to jump in and defend both women. I wanted to march over there and ask these two men how they could be so insensitive. I believe in the equity of women and men, and I believe that both sexes should be respected and valued equally. Overhearing conversations like this just continues to demonstrate how far we as a world still have to go.
            I have always been interested in women and women’s studies. Whenever an English professor would assign a critical analysis paper, I would almost always choose to do a feminist critique. Gender relations, definitions, concepts: all of these fascinate me. But it was not until my junior year of college that I began to fully articulate these beliefs. After a culmination of experiences in which I was belittled or discriminated against because I was female, I began to search my soul. Does God love his children equally? Are men and women equally in importance and purpose? I came back from this experience with a resounding answer. Yes. God cares for all his children equally, regardless of gender, race, color, or culture. I realized I needed to pursue Women’s Studies because I wanted to expand my knowledge and work for a world of parity and peace.
            I believe that feminism is essential to the world. I believe that feminism means the pursuit of equality for all people. I know that people misinterpret the word ‘feminism’ daily, thinking it means I want to burn my bra and push men away. When I tell some men that I am a women’s studies minor, they usually smirk and say, “So am I.” That used to drive me crazy. But I now I just ignore it and realize that means they just do not understand the true meaning of feminism. It means loving all people because they are people. It means looking past gender stereotypes and not expecting your wife to have dinner ready when you get home. It means liberating all individuals. I believe in feminism because I believe in the power that comes from respecting all people equally.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

National Cookie Day and Hot Chocolate Chats

        So, my amazing professor, Dr. Dean, celebrated her birthday today. I swear she is an English Teaching goddess. Even though it was her special day, she remembered it was also National Cookie Day, and so she brought all of us cookies. Wow, she amazes me. I made monster cookies the other day, and so I came home after a long day of work and school and ate another cookie, just to celebrate one more time. :)

        Now, today has felt like one of those never-ending days, and I have just been waiting to come home, put on a comfy sweater, pull my hair up, and drink peppermint hot chocolate. I talked my roommate into sharing in this essential relaxation, and it was wonderful. We had a marvelous chat about our day while pretending to be the hosts of a chat show. I can't really decide if we are funny enough to host our own show, or if we just think we are funny enough....That sounds like a perfect topic for discussion for our next show! Shout outs go to my beautiful roommate, the Coco-motion, and the Jet-puffed Mallow Bits in the dispensable container.

     Sometimes life can seem overwhelming and chaotic and crazy. But National Cookie Day and hot chocolate chats with your roommate can just really make everything seem a little brighter. And that is the musing of a marvelous me. :)